About Me
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Thanks for dropping by! My name's Dambar—and yes, that's spelled with an a between the d and the m(also with an a between the b and the r), pronounced just like Dumber. Don't worry about my last name, though; it's quite long, and most people butcher it anyway.

Speaking of last names, if mine hasn't already betrayed me, I was originally from the birth place of the Gorkhas, a beautiful country nestled between India, China, and a bunch of biblically old mountains. You can almost spot it on a world map if you squint hard enough.

I want to start writing more about the things I’m nerdy about. I made this blog to host the things I write.

tl;dr on the tech - Next.js and deployed on Netlify

It’s nothing too fancy. Still pumped about the lighthouse score tho

So, Yeah… That's Me!

There's more to my life than what I feel comfortable sharing here, but that's about the gist of my background and interests. If you made it this far, cool! You're still awake! Maybe we can chat sometime and get to know each other.

At the end of the day, I'm just a Real Human Bean who enjoys doing real human things. If that sounds like your cup of tea, get in touch—I'd love to hear from you!